15 months

I thought perhaps while this toddler was napping might be a good time to get this out!

Cai had his 15 month appointment on the third of October, and he was 22 pounds, 12 ounces and 32 inches long, putting him at 50th percentile for weight and 80th for height. I think he actually weighs a little less, but we stuffed him with home fries that morning (he loves potatoes).

He did have a reaction to one of the vaccines, resulting in a pretty high fever for three days and no sleep for anyone. We would give him Tylenol to treat the fever, all go back to sleep, and then he’d wake up freezing because his temperature had dropped. Ah well.

Yesterday he went on his first pony ride and today he got his first pair of real shoes. They put him in a size seven. Dude’s feet are pretty huge.

He can say “punkin”, wall, sink, Cheerios, yogurt, water, broken, pop pop (popcorn song), and knows what a bunch of animals say, and also what trains, cars, and sirens say. He knows what dusting his pants means.

He also met pigs and turkeys yesterday for the first time.

He loves zucchini and cauliflower and chickpeas and water, and he’s decided orange juice and apple cider aren’t so bad either.

I hear him starting to stir, so!









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